• Hoist

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to raise or lift, esp. by some mechanical appliance
    to hoist a flag; to hoist the mainsail.
    to raise to one's lips and drink; drink (esp. beer or whiskey) with gusto
    Let's go hoist a few beers.
    Archaic . a pt. and pp. of hoise.


    an apparatus for hoisting, as a block and tackle, a derrick, or a crane.
    act of hoisting; a lift
    Give that sofa a hoist at your end.
    Nautical .
    the vertical dimension amidships of any square sail that is hoisted with a yard. Compare drop ( def. 28 ) .
    the distance between the hoisted and the lowered position of such a yard.
    the dimension of a fore-and-aft sail along the luff.
    a number of flags raised together as a signal.
    (on a flag)
    the vertical dimension as flown from a vertical staff.
    the edge running next to the staff. Compare fly ( def. 36b ) . ?


    hoist with or by one's own petard. petard ( def. 4 ) .


    drop , fall , hold down , lower , push


    boost , heave

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