• Verb (used with object)

    to bump, push, shove, brush against, or elbow roughly or rudely.
    to drive or force by, or as if by, pushing or shoving
    The crowd jostled him into the subway.
    to exist in close contact or proximity with
    The three families jostle each other in the small house.
    to unsettle; disturb
    The thought jostled her complacency.
    Slang . to pick the pocket of.

    Verb (used without object)

    to bump or brush against someone or something, as in passing or in a crowd; push or shove (often fol. by with, for, or against )
    He jostled for position.
    to exist in close contact or proximity with someone or something.
    to compete; contend.
    Slang . to pick pockets.


    a shock, push, bump, or brush against someone or something.

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