Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
( initial capital letter ) the body itself, esp. of a bicameral legislature
- the House of Representatives.
( often initial capital letter ) a commercial establishment; business firm
- the House of Rothschild; a publishing house.
British . a variety of lotto or bingo played with paper and pencil, esp. by soldiers as a gambling game.
Verb (used with object)
bring down the house
- to call forth vigorous applause from an audience; be highly successful
- The children's performances brought down the house.
dress the house
- Theater .
- to fill a theater with many people admitted on free passes; paper the house.
- to arrange or space the seating of patrons in such a way as to make an audience appear larger or a theater or nightclub more crowded than it actually is.
- abode , apartment , box * , building , bullpen , castle , cave * , commorancy , condo , condominium , co-op , coop , crash pad * , crib * , cubbyhole * , den , diggings , digs , domicile , dump * , dwelling , edifice , flat , flophouse * , habitation , hole in the wall , home , home plate , homestead , joint , kennel , layout , lean-to * , mansion , pad , pied--terre , pigpen * , pigsty , rack * , residence , residency , roof , roost * , setup , shack , shanty , turf *notes:a house is the building or structure in which one lives; home is the place one lives with the pleasant connotations or family ties included , clan , dynasty , family tree , folk , folks , household , kin , kindred , line , lineage , mnage , race , stock , tradition , tribenotes:a house is the building or structure in which one lives; home is the place one lives with the pleasant connotations or family ties included , company , concern , corporation , firm , organization , outfit , partnershipnotes:a house is the building or structure in which one lives; home is the place one lives with the pleasant connotations or family ties included , commons , congress , council , legislative body , legislature , parliamentnotes:a house is the building or structure in which one lives; home is the place one lives with the pleasant connotations or family ties included , lodging , place , business , enterprise , establishment , tribe , (religious house) monastery , accommodate , ancestry , audience , bungalow , burrow , cabin , casa , casino , chteau , chateau , church , convent , cot , cottage , cover , dorm , dormitory , dump , duplex , family , gingerbread , grange , harbor , heartbreak , hovel , hut , hutch , igloo , kiosk , live , lodge , manor , manse , monastery , nest , palace , palafitte , parliament , pavilion , phalanstery , quarter , rectory , reside , senate , shell , shelter , split-level , store , stow , structure , synagogue , temple , tenement , theater , topek , villa
tác giả
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