• Myself

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Pronoun, plural ourselves

    (used as an intensive of me or I )
    I myself will challenge the winner.
    (used reflexively in place of me as the object of a preposition or as the direct or indirect object of a verb)
    I gave myself a good rubdown. She asked me for a picture of myself.
    Informal . (used in place of I or me , esp. in compound subjects, objects, and complements)
    My wife and myself fully agree. She wanted John and myself to take charge. The originators of the plan were my partner and myself.
    (used in place of I or me after as, than, or but )
    He knows as much about the matter as myself.
    my normal or customary self
    After a few days of rest, I expect to be myself again.

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