Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- break , breather * , breathing space * , calm , calmness , cessation , coffee break , comfort , composure , cutoff , downtime * , doze , dreaminess , ease , forty winks * , halt , holiday , hush , idleness , interlude , intermission , interval , leisure , letup * , lull , motionlessness , nap , pause , peace , quiescence , quiet , quietude , recess , recreation , refreshment , relaxation , relief , repose , respite , siesta , silence , sleep , slumber , somnolence , standstill , stay , stillness , stop , time off , tranquillity , vacation , balance , bottom of barrel , dregs , dross , excess , heel , leavings , leftovers , odds and ends * , orts , others , overplus , remains , remnant , residual , residue , residum , rump , superfluity , surplus , basis , bed , bottom , footing , ground , groundwork , holder , pedestal , pediment , pillar , prop , seat , seating , shelf , stand , support , trestle , time-out , decease , demise , dissolution , extinction , passing , quietus , leftover , remainder , abeyance , brace , csura , diastole , dormancy , immobility , immobilization , inactivity , inertia , quietness , reprieve , residuum , sabbatism , security , stagnation , tranquility
- be at ease , be comfortable , breathe , compose oneself , doze , dream , drowse , ease off , ease up , idle , laze , lean , let down , let up , lie by , lie down , lie still , loaf , loll , lounge , nap , nod , put feet up , recline , refresh oneself , relax , repose , sit down , slack , slacken , slack off , slumber , snooze , spell , stretch out , take a break , take a nap , take five , take it easy , take life easy , take ten , take time out , unbend , unlax , unwind , wind down , be quiet , be supported , lay , pause , prop , roost , settle , sit , stand , stand still , base , be based , be contingent , be dependent , be founded , be seated on , be upheld , bottom , count , establish , found , ground , hang , lie , predicate , rely , reside , stay , turn , stretch , dwell , exist , inhere , build , root , underpin , acquiesce , breather , caesura , cessation , depend , desist , ease , halt , hibernation , holiday , inactivity , interlude , intermission , interval , leisure , lull , peace , quiet , recess , relaxation , respite , retire , siesta , sleep , stillness , stop , tranquility , trust , vacation
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