• Adverb

    over one's head; aloft; up in the air or sky, esp. near the zenith
    There was a cloud overhead.
    so as to be completely submerged or deeply involved
    to plunge overhead in water; to sink overhead in debt.


    situated, operating, or passing above, aloft, or over the head
    an overhead sprinkler system.
    of or pertaining to the general cost of running a business
    overhead expenses; an overhead charge.


    the general, fixed cost of running a business, as rent, lighting, and heating expenses, which cannot be charged or attributed to a specific product or part of the work operation.
    Accounting . that part of manufacturing costs for which cost per unit produced is not readily assignable.
    (in a hoistway) the distance between the last floor level served and the beam supporting the hoisting sheaves or machinery.
    (in racket sports) a stroke in which the ball or shuttlecock is hit with a downward motion from above the head; smash.
    an overhead compartment, shelf, etc.
    Pillows are in the overhead above each passenger's seat.
    Also called overhead shot. Movies, Television . a shot in which the camera is positioned above the actors, esp. directly overhead.
    a ceiling light in a room
    Turn off the overheads when you leave.
    Also called overhead projector. a projector capable of projecting images above and behind the person operating it, thus allowing a lecturer or speaker to remain facing the audience while using it.
    Also called overhead projection. a picture or image projected in this manner
    a lecture enhanced with overheads.


    adjective, adverb
    below , underfoot

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