an ordered and comprehensive assemblage of facts, principles, doctrines, or the like in a particular field of knowledge or thought
- a system of philosophy.
a coordinated body of methods or a scheme or plan of procedure; organizational scheme
- a system of government.
Astronomy .
- a number of heavenly bodies associated and acting together according to certain natural laws
- the solar system.
- a hypothesis or theory of the disposition and arrangements of the heavenly bodies by which their phenomena, motions, changes, etc., are explained
- the Ptolemaic system; the Copernican system.
Biology .
- an assemblage of organs or related tissues concerned with the same function
- the nervous system; the digestive system.
- the entire human or animal body considered as a functioning unit
- an ingredient toxic to the system.
( sometimes initial capital letter ) the prevailing structure or organization of society, business, or politics or of society in general; establishment (usually prec. by the )
Geology . a major division of rocks comprising sedimentary deposits and igneous masses formed during a single geologic period.
- arrangement , classification , combination , complex , conformity , coordination , entity , fixed order , frame of reference , ideology , integral , integrate , logical order , orderliness , organization , philosophy , red tape * , regularity , rule , scheme , setup , structure , sum , theory , totality , artifice , course of action , custom , definite plan , fashion , logical process , manner , methodicalness , methodology , mode , modus , modus operandi , operation , orderly process , pattern , policy , practice , procedure , proceeding , process , routine , strategy , systematic process , systematization , tactics , technique , usage , way , wise , whole , order , plan , systemization , method , style , aggregation , code , cosmos , economy , edifice , hypothesis , network , organism , paradigm , regime , regimen , syntax
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