• Poorness

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    having little or no money, goods, or other means of support
    a poor family living on welfare.
    Law . dependent upon charity or public support.
    (of a country, institution, etc.) meagerly supplied or endowed with resources or funds.
    characterized by or showing poverty.
    deficient or lacking in something specified
    a region poor in mineral deposits.
    faulty or inferior, as in construction
    poor workmanship.
    deficient in desirable ingredients, qualities, or the like
    poor soil.
    excessively lean or emaciated, as cattle.
    of an inferior, inadequate, or unsatisfactory kind
    poor health.
    lacking in skill, ability, or training
    a poor cook.
    deficient in moral excellence; cowardly, abject, or mean.
    scanty, meager, or paltry in amount or number
    a poor audience.
    humble; modest
    They shared their poor meal with a stranger.
    unfortunate; hapless
    The poor dog was limping.


    ( used with a plural verb ) poor persons collectively (usually prec. by the )
    sympathy for the poor.


    poor as a church mouse
    extremely poor.
    poor as Job's turkey
    extremely poor; impoverished.

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