Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
any carnivore of the dogfamily Canidae, having prominent canine teeth and, in the wild state, a long and slender muzzle, a deep-chested muscular body, a bushy tail, and large, erect ears. Compare canid .
Slang .
- something worthless or of extremely poor quality
- That used car you bought is a dog.
- an utter failure; flop
- Critics say his new play is a dog.
Machinery .
- any of various mechanical devices, as for gripping or holding something.
- a projection on a moving part for moving steadily or for tripping another part with which it engages.
dog it
- Informal .
- to shirk one's responsibility; loaf on the job.
- to retreat, flee, renege, etc.
- a sponsor who dogged it when needed most.
- bitch , bowwow , cur , doggy , fido , flea bag , hound , man’s best friend , mongrel , mutt , pooch , pup , puppy , stray , tail-wagger , tyke , (female) bitch , (young) pup , canine , caninity , fice , kennel , pack , slut , tike , whelp , whippet
- bedog , haunt , hound , plague , pursue , shadow , tag , tail , track , trail , trouble , heel , airedale , beagle , belgian sheepdog , canine , chow , chowchow , cur , dhole , follow , keeshond , mongrel , mutt , pomeranian , pooch , pug , pup , puppy , rover , scottish terrier , spitz , spot , weimaraner , worry
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