• Adjective

    far apart; far distant in space; situated at some distance away
    the remote jungles of Brazil.
    out-of-the-way; secluded
    a remote village; a remote mountaintop.
    distant in time
    remote antiquity.
    distant in relationship or connection
    a remote ancestor.
    operating or controlled from a distance, as by remote control
    a remote telephone answering machine.
    far off; abstracted; removed
    principles remote from actions.
    not direct, primary, or proximate; not directly involved or influential
    the remote causes of the war.
    slight or faint; unlikely
    not the remotest idea; a remote chance.
    reserved and distant in manner; aloof; not warmly cordial.


    Radio and Television . a broadcast, usually live, from a location outside a studio.
    remote control ( def. 2 ) .


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