Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- alien , back , backwoods , beyond , boondocks * , devious , distant , far , faraway , far-flung , far-off , foreign , frontier , godforsaken * , god-knows-where , in a backwater , inaccessible , isolated , lonely , lonesome , middle of nowhere , obscure , off-lying , off the beaten path * , outlandish , outlying , private , removed , retired , secluded , secret , undiscovered , unknown , unsettled , wild , abstracted , alone , apart , detached , exclusive , extraneous , extrinsic , farfetched , immaterial , inappropriate , indirect , nongermane , outside , pointless , strange , unconnected , doubtful , dubious , faint , implausible , inconsiderable , meager , negligible , off , poor , slender , slight , slim , small , aloof , casual , cool * , disinterested , icy , incurious , indifferent , introspective , introverted , laid-back * , offish , putting on airs , reserved , standoffish , stuck up , uncommunicative , unconcerned , uninterested , uninvolved , uppity , withdrawn , insular , out-of-the-way , solitary , chill , chilly , reticent , unapproachable , undemonstrative , afar , antipodean , cloistered , cold , cool , improbable , old , segregated , separate , separated , sequestered , tramontane , transmontane , ulterior , ultimate , ultramundane , unlikely , unrelated , vague
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