• Secretness

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    done, made, or conducted without the knowledge of others
    secret negotiations.
    kept from the knowledge of any but the initiated or privileged
    a secret password.
    faithful or cautious in keeping confidential matters confidential; close-mouthed; reticent.
    designed or working to escape notice, knowledge, or observation
    a secret drawer; the secret police.
    secluded, sheltered, or withdrawn
    a secret hiding place.
    beyond ordinary human understanding; esoteric.
    (of information, a document, etc.)
    bearing the classification secret.
    limited to persons authorized to use information documents, etc., so classified.


    something that is or is kept secret, hidden, or concealed.
    a mystery
    the secrets of nature.
    a reason or explanation not immediately or generally apparent.
    a method, formula, plan, etc., known only to the initiated or the few
    the secret of happiness; a trade secret.
    a classification assigned to information, a document, etc., considered less vital to security than top-secret but more vital than confidential, and limiting its use to persons who have been cleared, as by various government agencies, as trustworthy to handle such material. Compare classification ( def. 5 ) .
    ( initial capital letter ) Liturgy . a variable prayer in the Roman and other Latin liturgies, said inaudibly by the celebrant after the offertory and immediately before the preface. ?


    in secret
    unknown to others; in private; secretly
    A resistance movement was already being organized in secret.

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