Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Fine Arts . the suggestion of motion in a work of art, either by represented gesture in figurative painting or sculpture or by the relationship of structural elements in a design or composition.
a diffusely organized or heterogeneous group of people or organizations tending toward or favoring a generalized common goal
- act , action , advance , agitation , alteration , change , changing , deed , development , displacement , dynamism , evolution , evolving , exercise , flight , flow , flux , gesture , journey , journeying , locomotion , maneuver , migration , mobility , motility , movableness , move , moving , operation , operativeness , passage , progress , progression , regression , roaming , shift , shifting , steps , stir , stirring , transferal , transit , translating , transplanting , undertaking , velocity , voyaging , wandering , crusade , current , demonstration , drift , faction , front , group , grouping , march , mobilization , organization , party , patrol , sweep , swing , tendency , transfer , transition , trend , unrest , withdrawal , dislocation , disturbance , rearrangement , turn , campaign , push , activity , drive , motion , removal , rhythm , transference
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