• Shelf

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Noun, plural shelves

    a thin slab of wood, metal, etc., fixed horizontally to a wall or in a frame, for supporting objects.
    the contents of this
    a shelf of books.
    a surface or projection resembling this; ledge.
    Physical Geography .
    a sandbank or submerged extent of rock in the sea or river.
    the bedrock underlying an alluvial deposit or the like.
    continental shelf.
    Archery . the upper part of the bow hand, on which the arrow rests. ?


    off the shelf
    readily available from merchandise in stock
    Any of those parts can be purchased off the shelf.
    on the shelf
    Informal .
    put aside temporarily; postponed.
    inactive; useless.
    without prospects of marriage, as after having broken an engagement.

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