• Noun

    a thickness of some material laid on or spread over a surface
    a layer of soot on the window sill; two layers of paint.
    a person or thing that lays
    a carpet layer.
    a hen kept for egg production.
    one of several items of clothing worn one on top of the other.
    Horticulture .
    a shoot or twig that is induced to root while still attached to the living stock, as by bending and covering with soil.
    a plant so propagated.
    Ropemaking . a machine for laying rope or cable.

    Verb (used with object)

    to make a layer of.
    to form or arrange in layers.
    to arrange or wear (clothing) in layers
    You can layer this vest over a blouse or sweater.
    Horticulture . to propagate by layering.

    Verb (used without object)

    to separate into or form layers.
    (of a garment) to permit of wearing in layers; be used in layering
    Frilly blouses don't layer well.

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