Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb phrases
catch on,
- to become popular
- That new song is beginning to catch on.
- to grasp mentally; understand
- You'd think he'd catch on that he's boring us.
- New England . (in cooking) to scorch or burn slightly; sear
- A pot roast is better if allowed to catch on.
catch up,
- to lift or snatch suddenly
- Leaves were caught up in the wind.
- to bring or get up to date (often fol. by on or with )
- to catch up on one's reading.
- to come up to or overtake (something or someone) (usually fol. by with )
- to catch up with the leader in a race.
- to become involved or entangled with
- caught up in the excitement of the crowd.
- to point out to (a person) minor errors, untruths, etc. (usually fol. by on )
- We caught the teacher up on a number of factual details.
- Falconry . to capture for further training (a hawk that has been flown at hack).
- South Midland and Southern U.S. to harness (a horse or mule). ?
- bolt , buckle , clamp , clasp , clip , hasp , hook , hook and eye , latch , snap , catch-22 , conundrum , deception , decoy , drawback , fly in the ointment , hitch , joke , puzzle , puzzler , snag , stumbling block , trap
- arrest , bag , bust * , capture , clasp , claw , clench , clutch , collar , cop , corral , entangle , entrap , get one’s fingers on , glom , glove , grab , grasp , grip , hook , lasso , lay hold of , nab , nail , net , pick , pluck , pounce on , prehend , secure , seize , snag , snare , snatch , take , take hold of , trap , descry , detect , encounter , expose , hit upon , meet with , spot , surprise , take unawares , turn up , unmask , become infected with , break out with , come down with , develop , fall ill with , fall victim to , get , incur , receive , sicken , succumb to , suffer from , board , climb on , come upon , cotch , go after , hop on , jump , make , overhaul , overtake , pass , ram , reach , run down , accept , apprehend , comprehend , discern , feel , follow , perceive , recognize , see , sense , take in , understand , hit on , espy , glimpse , spy , nip , strike , anchor , fix , moor , lodge , stick , enmesh , ensnare , ensnarl , tangle , trammel , web , bash , clout , knock , pop , slam , slog , slug , smash , smite , sock , swat , thwack , whack , wham , whop , compass , conceive , fathom , make out , read
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