• Snow

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    Meteorology . a precipitation in the form of ice crystals, mainly of intricately branched, hexagonal form and often agglomerated into snowflakes, formed directly from the freezing of the water vapor in the air. Compare ice crystals , snow grains , snow pellets .
    these flakes as forming a layer on the ground or other surface.
    the fall of these flakes or a storm during which these flakes fall.
    something resembling a layer of these flakes in whiteness, softness, or the like
    the snow of fresh linen.
    Literary .
    white blossoms.
    the white color of snow.
    Slang . cocaine or heroin.
    white spots or bands on a television screen caused by a weak signal. Compare hash 1 ( def. 5 ) .

    Verb (used without object)

    to send down snow; fall as snow.
    to descend like snow.

    Verb (used with object)

    to let fall as or like snow.
    Slang .
    to make an overwhelming impression on
    The view really snowed them.
    to persuade or deceive
    She was snowed into believing everything.

    Verb phrase

    snow under,
    to cover with or bury in snow.
    to overwhelm with a larger amount of something than can be conveniently dealt with.
    to defeat overwhelmingly.


    nival , niveous , snowy

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