Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
in view
- within range of vision.
- under consideration.
- as an end sought
- She went over the material with the scholarship examination in view.
in view of
- in consideration of; on account of
- In view of the circumstances, it seems best to wait until tomorrow.
- appearance , aspect , composition , contour , design , field of vision , glimpse , illustration , landscape , look , opening , outline , outlook , panorama , perspective , picture , prospect , range of vision , representation , scene , seascape , show , sight , spectacle , stretch , tableau , vision , vista , way , analysis , audit , check , contemplation , display , eyeball , flash * , gander , inspection , lamp * , look-see , perlustration , review , scan , scrutiny , slant , squint * , survey , viewing , attitude , close-up , concept , conception , consideration , conviction , deduction , eye * , feeling , impression , inference , judgment , judgment call , mind , notion , opinion , persuasion , point of view , say-so , sentiment , slant * , thought , twist , two cents’ worth , value judgment * , way of thinking , regard , checkup , perusal , study , idea , position , lookout , aim , ambition , end , goal , intent , mark , meaning , object , objective , point , purpose , target , why , beholding , diagram , frame of reference , intention , overview , scenery , scope , seeing , supervision , viewpoint
- beam , behold , canvass , check out * , check over , consider , contemplate , descry , dig * , discern , distinguish , eagle eye * , espy , examine , explore , eye * , feast eyes on , flash * , gaze , get a load of , inspect , lay eyes on , mark , notice , observe , perceive , pipe * , read , regard , rubberneck * , scan , scope , scrutinize , see , set eyes on , spot , spy , stare , survey , take in * , watch , witness , account , deem , judge , look on , reckon , think about , eye , check , con , go over , peruse , study , traverse , esteem , admire , aim , appearance , apprehend , aspect , attitude , belief , believe , examination , expectation , feeling , glimpse , goal , inspection , ken , landscape , look , notion , object , objective , opinion , outlook , panorama , peek , perception , picture , plan , profile , scape , scene , scenery , scrutiny , seascape , sight , standpoint , summary , theory , thought , vision , vista
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