• Spade

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a tool for digging, having an iron blade adapted for pressing into the ground with the foot and a long handle commonly with a grip or crosspiece at the top, and with the blade usually narrower and flatter than that of a shovel.
    some implement, piece, or part resembling this.
    a sharp projection on the bottom of a gun trail, designed to dig into the earth to restrict backward movement of the carriage during recoil.

    Verb (used with object)

    to dig, cut, or remove with a spade (sometimes fol. by up )
    Let's spade up the garden and plant some flowers.


    call a spade a spade
    to call something by its real name; be candidly explicit; speak plainly or bluntly
    To call a spade a spade, he's a crook.
    in spades
    Informal .
    in the extreme; positively
    He's a hypocrite, in spades.
    without restraint; outspokenly
    I told him what I thought, in spades.

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