Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
Verb (used with object)
Verb phrases
dig in,
- to dig trenches, as in order to defend a position in battle.
- to maintain one's opinion or position.
- to start eating.
- crack , cut , cutting remark , gibe , innuendo , jeer , quip , slur , sneer , taunt , wisecrack , jab , jog , nudge , poke , abode , domicile , dwelling , habitation , house , lodging , place , residence , exhumation , grind (student) , punch , thrust
- bore , break up , bulldoze , burrow , cat , channel , clean , concave , deepen , depress , dig down , discover , dredge , drill , drive , enter , excavate , exhume , fork out , go into , gouge , grub , harvest , hoe , investigate , mine , penetrate , pierce , pit , probe , produce , quarry , root , root out , rout , sap , scoop , scoop out , search , shovel , sift , spade , till , tunnel , turn over , uncover , undermine , unearth , jab , jog , nudge , plunge , poke , prod , punch , ram , sink , stab , stick , bring to light * , come across , come up with , delve , expose , extricate , find , inquire , look into , prospect , research , retrieve , search high and low , shake down * , sift * , turn inside out , turn upside down , appreciate , follow , go for * , groove * , love , mind , relish , understand , accept , apprehend , catch , comprehend , grasp , recognize , see , take , take in , reconnoiter , scout , turn up , run , thrust , compass , conceive , fathom , get , make out , read , sense , like , savor , crack , disentomb , disinter , enjoy , exhume(dig up) , explore , gibe , groove , hole , insult , pion , prob , quip , remove , taunt
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