• Tick off

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a slight, sharp, recurring click, tap, or beat, as of a clock.
    Chiefly British Informal . a moment or instant.
    a small dot, mark, check, or electronic signal, as used to mark off an item on a list, serve as a reminder, or call attention to something.
    Stock Exchange .
    a movement in the price of a stock, bond, or option.
    the smallest possible tick on a given exchange.
    Manège . a jumping fault consisting of a light touch of a fence with one or more feet.
    a small contrasting spot of color on the coat of a mammal or the feathers of a bird.

    Verb (used without object)

    to emit or produce a tick, like that of a clock.
    to pass as with ticks of a clock
    The hours ticked by.

    Verb (used with object)

    to sound or announce by a tick or ticks
    The clock ticked the minutes.
    to mark with a tick or ticks; check (usually fol. by off ); to tick off the items on the memo. ?

    Verb phrase

    tick off, Slang .
    to make angry
    His mistreatment of the animals really ticked me off.
    Chiefly British . to scold severely
    The manager will tick you off if you make another mistake.


    what makes one tick
    the motive or explanation of one's behavior
    The biographer failed to show what made Herbert Hoover tick.



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