Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Cards .
- to name (the trump).
- to take a trick with (a card).
- Bridge . to fulfill or achieve (a contract or bid).
- to shuffle (the cards).
Verb phrases
make out,
- to write out or complete, as a bill or check.
- to establish; prove.
- to decipher; discern.
- to imply, suggest, or impute
- He made me out to be a liar.
- to manage; succeed
- How are you making out in your new job?
- Slang . to engage in kissing and caressing; neck.
- Slang . to have sexual intercourse.
- Chiefly Pennsylvania German . to turn off or extinguish (esp. a light or fire)
- Make the light out.
make over,
- to remodel; alter
- to make over a dress; to make over a page layout.
- to transfer the title of (property); convey
- After she retired she made over her property to her children and moved to Florida.
make for,
- to go toward; approach
- to make for home.
- to lunge at; attack.
- to help to promote or maintain
- This incident will not make for better understanding between the warring factions.
make off,
- to run away; depart hastily
- The only witness to the accident made off before the police arrived.
- Nautical . to stand off from a coast, esp. a lee shore.
make up,
- (of parts) to constitute; compose; form.
- to put together; construct; compile.
- to concoct; invent.
- Also, make up for. to compensate for; make good.
- to complete.
- to put in order; arrange
- The maid will make up the room.
- to conclude; decide.
- to settle amicably, as differences.
- to become reconciled, as after a quarrel.
- Printing . to arrange set type, illustrations, etc., into columns or pages.
- to dress in appropriate costume and apply cosmetics for a part on the stage.
- to apply cosmetics.
- to adjust or balance, as accounts; prepare, as statements.
- Education . to repeat (a course or examination that one has failed).
- Education . to take an examination that one had been unable to take when first given, usually because of absence.
- to specify and indicate the layout or arrangement of (columns, pages, etc., of matter to be printed).
- Atlantic States . (of the weather or clouds) to develop or gather
- It's making up for a storm.
- Atlantic States . (of the sea) to become turbulent
- If the sea makes up, row toward land.
make a play for
- to try to get
- He made a play for his brother's girlfriend. They made a play for control of the company's stock.
make away with
- to steal
- The clerk made away with the cash and checks.
- to destroy; kill
- He made away with his enemies.
- to get rid of.
- to consume, drink, or eat completely
- The boys made away with the contents of the refrigerator.
make bold or so bold
- to have the temerity; be so rash; dare
- May I make so bold as to suggest that you stand when they enter?
make do, to function, manage, or operate
- usually on a deprivation level with minimal requirements
- During the war we had no butter or coffee, so we had to make do without them.
make good
- to provide restitution or reparation for
- The bank teller made good the shortage and was given a light sentence.
- to succeed
- Talent and training are necessary to make good in some fields.
- to fulfill
- He made good on his promise.
- Navigation . to compute (a course) allowing for leeway and compass deviation.
make heavy weather
- Nautical . to roll and pitch in heavy seas.
- to progress laboriously; struggle, esp. to struggle needlessly
- I am making heavy weather with my income tax return.
make it
- Informal . to achieve a specific goal
- to make it to the train; to make it through college.
- Informal . to succeed in general
- He'll never make it in business.
- Slang . to have sexual intercourse.
make it so
- Nautical . strike the ship's bell accordingly
- said by the officer of the watch when the hour is announced.
make one's manners
- Southern U.S.
- to perform an appropriate or expected social courtesy.
- Older Use . to bow or curtsy.
make sail
- Nautical .
- to set sails.
- to brace the yards of a ship that has been hove to in order to make headway.
make with
- Slang .
- to operate; use
- Let's make with the feet.
- to bring about; provide or produce
- He makes with the big ideas, but can't follow through.
- accomplish , adjust , arrange , assemble , beget , brew , bring about , cause , compose , conceive , constitute , construct , cook , cook up * , dash off , draw on , dream up , effect , engender , fabricate , fashion , forge , form , frame , generate , get ready , give rise to , hatch , initiate , invent , knock off * , lead to , manufacture , mold , occasion , originate , parent , prepare , procreate , produce , put together , secure , shape , spawn , synthesize , tear off , throw together , whip , whip out , coerce , concuss , constrain , dragoon , drive , force , horn in , impel , impress , interfere , meddle , oblige , press , pressurize , prevail upon , require , shotgun , start , tamper , advance , assign , create , delegate , elect , finger , install , invest , name , nominate , ordain , proffer , select , tap , tender , act , carry on , carry out , carry through , conduct , declare , decree , do , draft , draw up , engage in , establish , fix , formulate , legislate , pass , perform , practice , prosecute , wage , amount to , come to , compound , comprise , embody , equal , make up , mix , organize , represent , structure , texture , calculate , collect , conclude , deduce , deduct , derive , dope out , draw , figure , gather , gauge , judge , reckon , suppose , think , bring home bacon , bring in , clean up * , clear , gain , get , harvest , hustle , net , obtain , pull , pull down * , rate , realize , reap , receive , sock * , take in , arrive at , arrive in time , attain , bear , break for , catch , get to , go , head , light out , meet , move , proceed , progress , reach , set out , strike out , take off , breed , father , sire , bring , bring on , effectuate , induce , ingenerate , result in , set off , stir , touch off , trigger , build , have , designate , compel , obligate , pressure , fit , prime , ready , enact , promulgate , win
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