Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Noun, plural -ties.
(in literature and art) a relation of all the parts or elements of a work constituting a harmonious whole and producing a single general effect.
one of the three principles of dramatic structure (the three unities) derived from Aristotelian aesthetics and formalized in the neoclassic canon in which a play is required to represent action as taking place in one day (unity of time), as occurring within one place (unity of place), and as having a single plot with a beginning, middle, and end (unity of action).
- accord , agreement , alliance , coadunation , combination , concord , concurrence , confederation , consensus , consent , consonance , entity , federation , harmony , homogeneity , homogeneousness , identity , individuality , indivisibility , integral , integrality , integrity , interconnection , oneness , peace , rapport , sameness , singleness , singularity , soleness , solidarity , synthesis , totality , unanimity , undividedness , unification , uniformity , union , unison , concordance , tune , coalition , consolidation , composite , compound , conjugation , association , communion , concert , congruity , continuity , one , wholeness
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