Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Grammar . correspondence in number, case, gender, person, or some other formal category between syntactically connected words, esp. between one or more subordinate words and the word or words upon which they depend; selection by one word of the matching formal subclass, or category, in another word syntactically construed with the first.
- acceding , accession , accommodation , accord , accordance , acknowledging , adjustment , affiliation , affinity , alliance , amity , approving , arbitration , arrangement , assenting , authorizing , bargaining , compatibility , compliance , complying , compromise , concert , concession , concord , concordance , concurring , conformity , congruity , consistency , correspondence , endorsing , granting , harmony , mediation , ratifying , reconciliation , similarity , suitableness , sympathy , understanding , union , unison , verification , verifying , acknowledgment , adjudication , affidavit , approval , assent , avowal , bargain , bond , cartel , charter , codicil , compact , confirmation , covenant , deal , indenture , lease , negotiation , note , oath , okay , pact , piece of paper , protocol , recognition , settlement , stipulation , the nod , transaction , treaty , writ , acquiescence , consent , nod , yes , chime , conformance , conformation , congruence , harmonization , keeping , concurrence , consonance , rapport , tune , unity , contract , convention , analogy , assentation , assonance , cartel (mil.) , coincidence , collusion , communion , composition , conciliation , consensus , coordination , corroboration , entente , entente cordiale , partnership , unanimity
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