• Voting

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a formal expression of opinion or choice, either positive or negative, made by an individual or body of individuals.
    the means by which such expression is made, as a ballot, ticket, etc.
    the right to such expression
    to give women the vote.
    the decision reached by voting, as by a majority of ballots cast
    The vote was for the resolution.
    a collective expression of will as inferred from a number of votes
    the labor vote.
    an expression, as of some judgment
    a vote of confidence.

    Verb (used without object)

    to express or signify will or choice in a matter, as by casting a ballot
    to vote for president.

    Verb (used with object)

    to enact, establish, or determine by vote
    to vote a proposed bill into law.
    to support by one's vote
    to vote the Republican ticket.
    to advocate by or as by one's vote
    to vote that the report be accepted.
    to declare or decide by general consent
    They voted the trip a success.
    to encourage or cause to vote, esp. in a particular way.

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