Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Machinery .
- a projecting object mounted on a moving part for striking a control lever to stop, reverse, or otherwise control the actions of some machine, as a milling machine or printing press.
- a sudden release or start.
Slang .
- an instance or period of being under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug, esp. LSD.
- the euphoria, illusions, etc., experienced during such a period.
- any stimulating or exciting experience
- The class reunion was a real trip.
- any intense interest or preoccupation
- She's been on a nostalgia trip all week.
- a period of time, experience, or lifestyle
- Those early years in college were a bad trip.
Verb (used without object)
Verb (used with object)
Nautical .
- to break out (an anchor) by turning over or lifting from the bottom by a line (tripping line) attached to the anchor's crown.
- to tip or turn (a yard) from a horizontal to a vertical position.
- to lift (an upper mast) before lowering.
- cruise , errand , expedition , foray , hop * , jaunt , junket , outing , overnight , peregrination , ramble * , run , swing * , tour , travel , trek , voyage , weekend , bungle , fall , false move , false step , faux pas * , indiscretion , lapse , misstep , mistake , slip , stumble , excursion , erratum , inaccuracy , incorrectness , miscue , slip-up , phantasmagoria , phantasmagory , safari
- buck , canter , confuse , disconcert , fall over , founder , frolic , go headlong , go wrong , hop , lapse , lope , lose balance , lose footing , lurch , make a faux pas , miscalculate , misstep , pitch , play , plunge , skip , slide , slip , slip on , slip up , sprawl , spring , stumble , throw off , topple , tumble , unsettle , skitter , pass , peregrinate , travel , trek , throw , cruise , drive , errand , excursion , expedition , gallivant , hike , jaunt , journey , junket , outing , ride , safari , tour , voyage
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