Stumble, flounder: I had somehow blundered into a meetingof the local crime syndicate. She blundered upon the truth whenshe saw them together.
Mistake, error, gaffe, faux pas, slip, slip-up, howler,Colloq boo-boo, screw-up, fluff, boner, US goof, goof-up: Imade a stupid blunder in telling him about the plans.
N. & v.
N. a clumsy or foolish mistake, esp. an importantone.
Intr. make a blunder; act clumsily or ineptly.
Tr. deal incompetently with; mismanage.
Intr. move aboutblindly or clumsily; stumble.
Blunderer n. blunderingly adv.[ME prob. f. Scand.: cf. MSw blundra shut the eyes]
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