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    =====/'''<font color="red">Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện</font>'''/=====
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    ==Thông dụng==
    ==Thông dụng==

    09:55, ngày 31 tháng 12 năm 2007


    Thông dụng

    Ngoại động từ

    Rầy la, trách mắng, quở trách, chửi rủa (ai)

    Danh từ

    Người hay mắng mỏ gắt gỏng
    Người đàn bà bẳn tính, người đàn bà hay gắt gỏng; người đàn bà hay chửi rủa

    Hình thái từ

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    mắng mỏ

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Reprimand, chide, reprove, upbraid, criticize, censure,find fault (with), rebuke, reproach, lecture, berate, rate,castigate, take (someone) to task, find fault with, rap(someones) knuckles, slap (someones) wrist, Colloq bawl out,dress down, give (someone) hell, give (someone) what for, jumpon (someone), jump down (someones) throat, call (someone) toaccount, bring (someone) to book, let (someone) have it withboth barrels, give (someone) a piece of (ones) mind, give(someone) a tongue-lashing or a talking-to, give (someone) ahard time, rake or haul (someone) over the coals, tell (someone)off, tick (someone) off, skin (someone) alive, call or have(someone) on the carpet, light or rip or tear or lace or sailinto (someone), US chew out, jump all over (someone), Britcarpet: When their mother scolded them, they began to cry.
    Nag, shrew, termagant, virago, fishwife, beldam,harridan, hell-cat, fury, amazon, tigress, Xanthippe, Colloqbattleaxe: In the old days, they used to take scolds, tie themin a chair at the end of a pole, and dunk them in a pond tillthey cooled off.


    V. & n.

    Tr. rebuke (esp. a child, employee, orinferior).
    Intr. find fault noisily; complain; rail.
    N.archaic a nagging or grumbling woman.
    Scolder n. scolding n.[ME (earlier as noun), prob. f. ON sk ld SKALD]

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