Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Decay, decompose, fester, spoil, go bad or off, betainted, be ruined, mould, moulder, putrefy; corrode, rust,disintegrate, deteriorate, crumble or go or fall to pieces:When the power went off, all the food in the freezer rotted. Thepiers holding up the far end of the bridge have all rotted away.2 waste away, wither away, languish, die, moulder, decline,deteriorate, degenerate, decay, atrophy: Despite repeatedappeals for clemency, he's been rotting away in jail all theseyears.
Decay, decomposition, mould, putrefaction, putrescence,blight, corrosion, corruption, disintegration, deterioration:Once the rot has set in, the job of revitalization can beoverwhelming.
(stuff and) nonsense, balderdash, rubbish,bunkum, tommy-rot, twaddle, drivel, hogwash, eyewash, trash,Colloq claptrap, bunk, boloney or boloney, bosh, malarkey,moonshine, poppycock, tosh, Slang crap, bull, codswallop, Brit(a load of (old)) cobblers, Taboo balls, bullshit: He knowsnothing whatsoever about linguistics and is just talking a lotof rot.
V., n., & int.
V. (rotted, rotting) 1 intr. a (of animal orvegetable matter) lose its original form by the chemical actionof bacteria, fungi, etc.; decay. b (foll. by off, away) crumbleor drop from a stem etc. through decomposition.
Intr. a (ofsociety, institutions, etc.) gradually perish from lack ofvigour or use. b (of a prisoner etc.) waste away (left to rotin prison); (of a person) languish.
A sudden series of (usu. unaccountable) failures; arapid decline in standards etc. (a rot set in; we must try tostop the rot).
Rot-gutsl. cheap harmful alcoholic liquor. [OE rotian (v.): (n.) ME,perh. f. Scand.: cf. Icel., Norw. rot]
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