• Revision as of 02:45, ngày 8 tháng 7 năm 2008 by Admin (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    Sự sao lãng, sự cẩu thả, sự không chú ý
    neglect of duty
    sự sao lãng bổn phận
    Sự bỏ bê, sự bỏ mặc
    to be in a state of neglect
    ở trong tình trạng bị bỏ mặc không được trông nom đến
    Sự thờ ơ, sự hờ hững
    to treat somebody with neglect
    thờ ơ đối với ai

    Ngoại động từ

    Sao lãng, không chú ý
    to neglect one's studies
    sao lãng việc học hành
    to neglect one's duties
    sao lãng bổn phận
    Bỏ bê, bỏ mặc
    Thờ ơ, hờ hững
    to neglect one's friends
    thờ ơ đối với bạn bè

    Chuyên ngành

    Kỹ thuật chung

    bỏ qua
    sự bỏ qua

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    Disregard, ignore, slight, pay no attention to, beinattentive to, overlook, pass by, spurn, rebuff, scorn,disdain, contemn, Colloq cold-shoulder: Scholars neglected hiswork for years.
    Fail (in), omit; disregard, let slide orpass, be remiss (about or in or regarding), abandon, lose sightof, forget, shirk: Have I neglected telling you how much I loveyou? Sybil has neglected her obligations.
    Disregard, disrespect, inattention, indifference,slighting, unconcern, oversight, heedlessness, neglectfulness,carelessness, inadvertence: We lost business to our competitorthrough simple neglect.
    Negligence, laxity, laxness,slackness, neglectfulness, passivity, passiveness, inactivity,inaction, dereliction, default, failure, failing, remissness:She has been accused of neglect in looking after her childrenproperly.


    V. & n.
    Fail to care for or to do; be remiss about(neglected their duty; neglected his children).
    (foll. byverbal noun, or to + infin.) fail; overlook or forget the needto (neglected to inform them; neglected telling them).
    Notpay attention to; disregard (neglected the obvious warning).
    Lack of caring; negligence (the house suffered fromneglect).
    A the act of neglecting. b the state of beingneglected (the house fell into neglect).
    (usu. foll. by of)disregard.
    Neglectful adj. neglectfully adv. neglectfulnessn. [L neglegere neglect- f. neg- not + legere choose, pick up]

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