Cure, repair, renew, revitalize, rejuvenate, restore;mend, recuperate, recover, improve: The wounds have healed. Theointment healed his wounds. I heal quickly. 2 reconcile, settle,patch up, put or set straight or right, remedy, repair, mend:His only wish was to heal the rift with his brother.
Intr. (often foll. by up) (of a wound or injury) becomesound or healthy again.
Tr. cause (a wound, disease, orperson) to heal or be healed.
Tr. put right (differencesetc.).
Tr. alleviate (sorrow etc.).
A popular name of various medicinalplants.
Healable adj. healer n. [OE h‘lan f. Gmc, rel. toWHOLE]
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