• Revision as of 15:52, ngày 16 tháng 11 năm 2007 by (Thảo luận)
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    Thông dụng

    Tính từ

    Có suy nghĩ cân nhắc; thận trọng
    to be deliberate in speech
    ăn nói có suy nghĩ cân nhắc
    a deliberate statement
    lời tuyên bố thận trọng
    Có tính toán, cố ý, chủ tâm
    a deliberate lie
    lời nói dối cố ý
    Thong thả, khoan thai, không vội vàng
    to walk with deliberate steps
    đi những bước khoan thai

    Động từ

    Cân nhắc kỹ càng; suy nghĩ chín chắn
    Trao đổi kỹ lưỡng, thảo luận kỹ lưỡng, bàn bạc kỹ lưỡng
    to deliberate an (upon, over, about) a matter
    bàn bạc kỹ lưỡng về một vấn đề gì

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Intentional, planned, studied, wilful, intended,premeditated, calculated, conscious, prearranged, purposeful,preconceived, considered; cold-blooded: The insult wasdeliberate, not a slip.
    Slow, methodical, careful, unhurried,paced, measured, regular, even, steady, sure, unhesitating,unfaltering, confident: He moved across the room with adeliberate step and tore the medals from the generals tunic. 3careful, prudent, cautious, painstaking, discreet, considered,considerate, thoughtful, well thought out, thorough, methodical,systematic, fastidious, orderly, punctilious, dispassionate,cool, composed, collected, calm, serene, unruffled: Adeliberate speaker, he chose his words with care.
    Consider, ponder, think (about or over), weigh, debate,meditate (on or over), reflect (on or over), cogitate (on orover), study: I shall need a few days to deliberate on thatquestion.


    Adj. & v.

    A intentional (a deliberate foul). b fullyconsidered; not impulsive (made a deliberate choice).
    Slow indeciding; cautious (a ponderous and deliberate mind).
    (ofmovement etc.) leisurely and unhurried.
    Intr. thinkcarefully; take counsel (the jury deliberated for an hour).
    Tr. consider, discuss carefully (deliberated the question).
    Deliberately adv. deliberateness n. deliberator n. [Ldeliberatus past part. of deliberare (as DE-, librare weigh f.libra balance)]

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