Mantle, cape, robe, wrap, poncho; coat, overcoat: Shepulled her cloak around her in the chill night air.
Mantle,concealment, cover, screen, shroud, veil: He stole away underthe cloak of darkness.
Conceal, hide, mask, screen, veil, shroud, cover up;disguise: All of the spies' activities were cloaked in secrecy.
N. & v.
An outdoor over-garment, usu. sleeveless,hanging loosely from the shoulders.
A covering (cloak ofsnow).
(in pl.) = CLOAKROOM.
Cover with a cloak.2 conceal, disguise.
Cloak-and-dagger involving intrigue andespionage. under the cloak of using as a pretext. [ME f. OFcloke, dial. var. of cloche bell, cloak (from its bell shape) clocca bell: see CLOCK(1)]
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