Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Informal .
- Sometimes Disparaging and Offensive . a girl or woman, esp. an attractive one.
- a person of whom one is deeply fond; sweetheart.
- ( sometimes initial capital letter ) an affectionate or familiar address (sometimes offensive when used to strangers, casual acquaintances, subordinates, etc., esp. by a male to a female).
- a man or boy; chap; fellow
- He's a tough baby to have to deal with.
- an invention, creation, project, or the like that requires one's special attention or expertise or of which one is especially proud.
- an object; thing
- Is that car there your baby?
- babyish , diminutive , dwarf , little , midget , mini , minute , petite , small , tiny , wee , youthful , hypocoristic , infantile , infantine , neonatal , prolific
- angelface , babe , bairn , bambino , bundle , buttercup , button , cherub , chick , child , crawler , deduction * , dividend * , dumpling , kid , little angel , little darling , little doll , little one , newborn , nipper * , nursling , papoose , preemie , suckling , tad , toddler , tot , write-off , youngster , infant , neonate , milksop , milquetoast , mollycoddle , weakling , changeling , embryo , fetus , foundling , hypocorism , nursling. child
- cater to , cherish , coddle , cosset , cuddle , dandle , dote on , foster , humor , indulge , nurse , overindulge , pamper , pet , please , satisfy , serve , spoil , cater , mollycoddle , babe , bambino , caress , child , comfort , doll , fondle , infant , kid , little , love , nestling , newborn , nipper , papoose , placate , sissy , small , swaddle , tot , wean , wee , youthful
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