Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
to take action with respect to a thing or person (fol. by with )
- Law courts must deal with lawbreakers.
Cards .
- the distribution of cards to the players in a game.
- the set of cards in one's hand.
- the turn of a player to deal.
- the period of time during which a deal is played.
- accord , arrangement , buy , compromise , conception , contract , pact , pledge , prearrangement , transaction , understanding , abundance , degree , distribution , extent , plenty , plethora , portion , quantity , shake , superabundance , appointment , chance , cut and shuffle , fresh start , game , hand , opportunity , round , bargain , compact , covenant
- bargain , barter , bicker , buy and sell , dicker * , hammer out deal , handle , horse trade , knock down price , negotiate , sell , stock , swap , trade , traffic , treat , work out deal , administer , allot , apportion , assign , bestow , come across with , deliver , disburse , dish out * , dispense , disperse , disseminate , divide , divvy , dole out * , drop , fork out * , fork over , give , hand out , impart , inflict , measure , mete out , partake , participate , partition , render , reward , share , strike , dole out , parcel out , portion , ration , market , merchandise , merchant , peddle , retail , vend , agreement , arrangement , behave , board , compromise , control , distribute , dole , hand , manage , pact , part , plank , sale , separate , transaction , treatment , wield , wrestle
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