Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
Verb (used with object)
to carry and distribute (portions of food or drink) to a patron or a specific table, as a waiter or waitress.
- arrange , assist , attend to , be of assistance , be of use , care for , deal , deliver , dish up , distribute , do for , give , handle , hit , minister to , nurse , oblige , play , present , provide , provision , set out , succor , wait on , work for , accept , agree , attend , be employed by , carry on , complete , discharge , follow , fulfill , function , go through , hearken , labor , obey , observe , officiate , pass , perform , subserve , toil , work , advantage , answer , answer the purpose , apply , avail , be acceptable , be adequate , be good enough , benefit , be useful , content , do , do duty as , fill the bill , fit , make , profit , satisfy , service , suit , put in , suffice , act , advance , aid , cater , conduceto , contribute , further , help , ladle , minister , offer , promote , requite , supply , tend , treat , wait , wait upon
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