Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
for love
- out of affection or liking; for pleasure.
- without compensation; gratuitously
- He took care of the poor for love.
- adulation , affection , allegiance , amity , amorousness , amour , appreciation , ardency , ardor , attachment , case * , cherishing , crush , delight , devotedness , devotion , emotion , enchantment , enjoyment , fervor , fidelity , flame , fondness , friendship , hankering , idolatry , inclination , infatuation , involvement , like , lust , mad for , partiality , passion , piety , rapture , regard , relish , respect , sentiment , soft spot * , taste , tenderness , weakness , worship , yearning , zeal , admirer , angel , beau , beloved , boyfriend , courter , darling , dear , dearest , dear one , girlfriend , honey , inamorata , inamorato , juliet , loved one , lover , paramour , romeo * , spark , suitor , swain , sweet , sweetheart , truelove , valentine , fancy , romance , affair , love affair , liking , loyalty , minion , precious , admire , adore , amorosity , benevolence , caress , cherish , courtship , embrace , enamor , endearment , idolize , reverence , torch song , veneration
- admire , adulate , be attached to , be captivated by , be crazy about , be enamored of , be enchanted by , be fascinated with , be fond of , be in love with , canonize , care for , cherish , choose , deify , delight in , dote on , esteem , exalt , fall for , fancy , glorify , go for * , gone on , have affection for , have it bad , hold dear , hold high , idolize , long for , lose one’s heart to , prefer , prize , put on pedestal , think the world of , thrive with , treasure , venerate , wild for , worship , caress , clasp , cling , cosset , court , cuddle , draw close , embrace , feel , fondle , hold , hug , kiss , lick , look tenderly , make love , neck * , pet * , press , shine , soothe , stroke , take into one’s arms , tryst , woo , delight , adore , enamor , like
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