• Noun

    a slip or sheet of paper, cardboard, or the like, on which a voter marks his or her vote.
    the method of secret voting by means of printed or written ballots or by means of voting machines.
    voting in general, or a round of voting
    Our candidate was defeated on the third ballot.
    the list of candidates to be voted on
    They succeeded in getting her name placed on the ballot.
    the right to vote
    to gain the ballot after years of struggle.
    the whole number of votes cast or recorded.
    a system or the practice of drawing lots
    The assassin would be chosen by ballot.
    (formerly) a little ball used in voting.

    Verb (used without object)

    to vote by ballot
    to ballot against a candidate.
    to draw lots
    to ballot for places.

    Verb (used with object)

    to canvass or solicit (a group, membership, etc.) for votes
    Members were balloted on the resolution.
    to select, esp. for military service, by ballot
    Certain age groups will not be balloted at this time.



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