• Barb

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a point or pointed part projecting backward from a main point, as of a fishhook or arrowhead.
    an obviously or openly unpleasant or carping remark.
    Botany, Zoology . a hooked or sharp bristle.
    Ornithology . one of the processes attached to the rachis of a feather.
    one of a breed of domestic pigeons, similar to the carriers or homers, having a short, broad bill.
    any of numerous, small, Old World cyprinid fishes of the genera Barbus and Puntius, often kept in aquariums.
    Usually, barbs. Veterinary Pathology . a small protuberance under the tongue in horses and cattle, esp. when inflamed and swollen.
    Also, barbe. a linen covering for the throat and breast, formerly worn by women mourners and now only by some nuns.
    Obsolete . a beard.

    Verb (used with object)

    to furnish with a barb or barbs.


    kindness , praise

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