Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous quadruped, Equus caballus, domesticated since prehistoric times, bred in a number of varieties, and used for carrying or pulling loads, for riding, and for racing.
any of several odd-toed ungulates belonging to the family Equidae, including the horse, zebra, donkey, and ass, having a thick, flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neck and bearing the weight on only one functioning digit, the third, which is widened into a round or spade-shaped hoof.
something on which a person rides, sits, or exercises, as if astride the back of such an animal
- rocking horse.
horses, Slang . the power or capacity to accomplish something, as by having enough money, personnel, or expertise
Verb (used with object)
beat or flog a dead horse, to attempt to revive a discussion, topic, or idea that has waned, been exhausted
- or proved fruitless.
from the horse's mouth
- Informal . on good authority; from the original or a trustworthy source
- I have it straight from the horse's mouth that the boss is retiring.
- bronco , colt , filly , foal , gelding , mare , mustang , nag , plug * , pony , stallion , steed , (female) mare , (male) stallion , (small) pony , (young) colt , arab , bathorse , bayard , bronc , broncho , bucephalus , caballo , cavalry , centaur , chack , charger , clipper , coachman , cob , cockhorse , courser , dam , dobbin , draft , entire , equerry , equestrian , equestrianism , equestrienne , equine , equitant , equitation , equus , farriery , fractious , gee , groom , hack , hackney , hippiatrics , hippiatry , hippocampus , hippogriffe , hippology , hippophile , hippotomy , hobby , hobby-horse. associatedwords: equine , hopple , horsemanship , hostler , hostlery , jade , jockey , mange , manege , mestino , mount , neigh , nicker , pacer , pad , paddock , padnag , palomino , pegasus , pintado , pinto , plug , postilion , prad , punch , roadster , roan , saddler , sheltie , sire , sleeper , sorrel , stepper , stud , sumpter , tandem , tit , trotter , ungulate , warragal , whinny
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