• Horse

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous quadruped, Equus caballus, domesticated since prehistoric times, bred in a number of varieties, and used for carrying or pulling loads, for riding, and for racing.
    a fully mature male animal of this type; stallion.
    any of several odd-toed ungulates belonging to the family Equidae, including the horse, zebra, donkey, and ass, having a thick, flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neck and bearing the weight on only one functioning digit, the third, which is widened into a round or spade-shaped hoof.
    something on which a person rides, sits, or exercises, as if astride the back of such an animal
    rocking horse.
    Also called trestle. a frame, block, etc., with legs, on which something is mounted or supported.
    Gymnastics .
    vaulting horse.
    pommel horse.
    Carpentry . carriage ( def. 7 ) .
    soldiers serving on horseback; cavalry
    a thousand horse.
    Slang . a man; fellow.
    Often, horses. Informal . horsepower.
    horses, Slang . the power or capacity to accomplish something, as by having enough money, personnel, or expertise
    Our small company doesn't have the horses to compete against a giant corporation.
    Chess Informal . a knight.
    Slang . a crib, translation, or other illicit aid to a student's recitation; trot; pony.
    Mining . a mass of rock enclosed within a lode or vein.
    Nautical . traveler ( def. 6b ) .
    Shipbuilding . a mold of a curved frame, esp. one used when the complexity of the curves requires laying out at full size.
    Slang . heroin.

    Verb (used with object)

    to provide with a horse or horses.
    to set on horseback.
    to set or carry on a person's back or on one's own back.
    Carpentry . to cut notches for steps into (a carriage beam).
    to move with great physical effort or force
    It took three men to horse the trunk up the stairs.
    Slang .
    to make (a person) the target of boisterous jokes.
    to perform boisterously, as a part or a scene in a play.
    Nautical .
    to caulk (a vessel) with a hammer.
    to work or haze (a sailor) cruelly or unfairly.
    Archaic . to place (someone) on a person's back, in order to be flogged.

    Verb (used without object)

    to mount or go on a horse.
    (of a mare) to be in heat.
    Vulgar . to have coitus.


    of, for, or pertaining to a horse or horses
    the horse family; a horse blanket.
    drawn or powered by a horse or horses.
    mounted or serving on horses
    horse troops.
    unusually large. ?

    Verb phrase

    horse around, Slang . to fool around; indulge in horseplay. ?


    back the wrong horse, to be mistaken in judgment
    esp. in backing a losing candidate.
    beat or flog a dead horse, to attempt to revive a discussion, topic, or idea that has waned, been exhausted
    or proved fruitless.
    from the horse's mouth
    Informal . on good authority; from the original or a trustworthy source
    I have it straight from the horse's mouth that the boss is retiring.
    hold one's horses
    Informal . to check one's impulsiveness; be patient or calm
    Hold your horses! I'm almost ready.
    horse of another color, something entirely different. Also
    horse of a different color.
    look a gift horse in the mouth
    to be critical of a gift.
    To horse! Mount your horse! Ride!

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