• Baseness

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    morally low; without estimable personal qualities; dishonorable; meanspirited; selfish; cowardly.
    of little or no value; worthless
    hastily composed of base materials.
    debased or counterfeit
    an attempt to eliminate the base coinage.
    characteristic of or befitting an inferior person or thing.
    of illegitimate birth.
    not classical or refined
    base language.
    Old English Law . held by tenure less than freehold in return for a service viewed as somewhat demeaning to the tenant.
    Archaic .
    of humble origin or station.
    of small height.
    low in place, position, or degree
    base servitude.
    Obsolete . deep or grave in sound; bass
    the base tones of a piano.


    Music Obsolete . bass 1 ( defs. 3, 4 ) .


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