Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Architecture .
- the distinctively treated portion of a column or pier below the shaft or shafts.
- the distinctively treated lowermost portion of any construction, as a monument, exterior wall, etc.
that from which a commencement, as of action or reckoning, is made; a starting point or point of departure.
Baseball .
- any of the four corners of the diamond, esp. first, second, or third base. Compare home plate .
- a square canvas sack containing sawdust or some other light material, for marking first, second, or third base.
Military .
- a fortified or more or less protected area or place from which the operations of an army or an air force proceed.
- a supply installation for a large military force.
Geometry . the line or surface forming the part of a figure that is most nearly horizontal or on which it is supposed to stand.
Mathematics .
- the number that serves as a starting point for a logarithmic or other numerical system.
- a collection of subsets of a topological space having the property that every open set in the given topology can be written as the union of sets of the collection.
- a collection of neighborhoods of a point such that every neighborhood of the point contains one from the collection.
- a collection of sets of a given filter such that every set in the filter is contained in some set in the collection.
Painting .
- vehicle ( def. 10 ) .
- Also called carrier. inert matter, used in the preparation of lakes, onto which a coloring compound is precipitated.
Photography . a thin, flexible layer of cellulose triacetate or similar material that holds the light-sensitive film emulsion and other coatings, esp. on motion-picture film.
Chemistry .
- a compound that reacts with an acid to form a salt, as ammonia, calcium hydroxide, or certain nitrogen-containing organic compounds.
- the hydroxide of a metal or of an electropositive element or group.
- a group or molecule that takes up or accepts protons.
- a molecule or ion containing an atom with a free pair of electrons that can be donated to an acid; an electron-pair donor.
- any of the purine and pyrimidine compounds found in nucleic acids
- the purines adenine and guanine and the pyrimidines cytosine, thymine, and uracil.
Grammar . the part of a complex word, consisting of one or more morphemes, to which derivational or inflectional affixes may be added, as want in unwanted or biolog- in biological. Compare root 1 ( def. 11 ) , stem 1 ( def. 16 ) .
Linguistics . the component of a generative grammar containing the lexicon and phrase-structure rules that generate the deep structure of sentences.
Verb (used with object)
- abject , abominable , cheap , coarse , common , contemptible , corrupt , depraved , despicable , disgraceful , dishonorable , disreputable , foul , grovelling , humble , ignoble , immoral , indelicate , loathsome , lowly , mean , menial , offensive , paltry , pitiful , plebeian , poor , scandalous , servile , shameful , shoddy , sleazy , sordid , sorry , squalid , trashy , ugly , unworthy , vile , worthless , wretched , low , low-down , lousy , miserable , rotten , baseborn , dclass , declassed , unwashed , vulgar , alloyed , counterfeit , debased , degenerate , degraded , degrading , discreditable , groveling , impure , inferior , low-minded , obscure , proletarian , spurious , substratal , unhonored , untitled , venal , wicked
- basement , basis , bed , bedrock , bottom , foot , footing , ground , groundwork , infrastructure , pedestal , rest , root , seat , seating , stand , substratum , substructure , support , underpinning , authority , backbone , chief constituent , core , essence , essential , evidence , foundation , fundamental , heart , important part , key , origin , primary element , principal , principle , source , camp , center , depot , dock , field , garrison , hangar , harbor , home , port , post , settlement , site , starting point , station , strip , terminal , fundament , cornerstone , rudiment , complex , headquarters , stem , baseness , degeneration , degradation , plinth , turpitude , wickedness
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