Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
an implement consisting of bristles, hair, or the like, set in or attached to a handle, used for painting, cleaning, polishing, grooming, etc.
one of a pair of devices consisting of long, thin handles with wire bristles attached, used in jazz or dance bands for keeping a soft, rhythmic beat on the trap drums or the cymbals.
- besom , broom , hairbrush , mop , polisher , sweeper , toothbrush , waxer , whisk , clash , conflict , confrontation , encounter , engagement , fracas , rub , run-in , scrap , set-to , skirmish , tap , touch , tussle , boscage , bracken , brushwood , chaparral , coppice , copse , cover , dingle , fern , gorse , grove , hedge , scrub , sedge , shrubbery , spinney , thicket , undergrowth , underwood , flick , graze , skim
- caress , contact , flick , glance , graze , kiss , scrape , shave , skim , smooth , stroke , sweep , tickle , buff , clean , paint , polish , wash , whisk , wipe , broom , clash , comb , conflict , encounter , fight , fray , groom , hair , rub , scuffle , sideswipe , skirmish , tooth , touch , undergrowth
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