• Wipe

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to rub lightly with or on a cloth, towel, paper, the hand, etc., in order to clean or dry the surface of
    He wiped the furniture with a damp cloth.
    to rub or draw (something) over a surface, as in cleaning or drying.
    to remove by rubbing with or on something (usually fol. by away, off, out, etc.)
    Wipe the dirt off your shoes. Wipe the dust from the pictures.
    to remove as if by rubbing (usually fol. by away, off, etc.)
    Wipe that smile off your face!
    to erase, as from existence or memory (often fol. by from )
    to wipe a thought from one's mind.
    to erase (magnetic tape, a recording, etc.).
    Plumbing .
    to apply (solder in a semifluid state) by spreading with leather or cloth over the part to be soldered.
    to form (a joint) in this manner.
    Machinery . (of a rotating shaft or the like) to melt the brasses of (a bearing) through friction.
    Australian Slang . to refuse to have anything to do with; reject; dismiss.


    an act of wiping
    He gave a few quick wipes to the furniture.
    a rub, as of one thing over another.
    Also called wipe-off. Movies . a technique in film editing by which the projected image of a scene appears to be pushed or wiped off the screen by the image that follows.
    a piece of absorbent material, as of paper or cloth, used for wiping.
    a sweeping stroke or blow.
    a gibe.
    Machinery . wiper ( def. 5 ) .
    Slang . a handkerchief. ?

    Verb phrases

    wipe out,
    to destroy completely; demolish
    The entire city was wiped out.
    Informal . to murder; kill
    They wiped him out to keep him from testifying.
    Slang . to beat decisively, as in sports.
    Slang . (in sports) to be taken out of competition by a fall, accident, collision, etc.
    Slang . to intoxicate or cause to become high, esp. on narcotic drugs.
    wipe up, to clean completely by wiping
    to wipe up the mess on the floor.

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