• Shave

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to remove a growth of beard with a razor.

    Verb (used with object)

    to remove hair from (the face, legs, etc.) by cutting it off close to the skin with a razor.
    to cut off (hair, esp. the beard) close to the skin with a razor (often fol. by off or away ).
    to cut or scrape away the surface of with a sharp-edged tool
    to shave hides in preparing leather.
    to reduce to shavings or thin slices
    to shave wood.
    to cut or trim closely
    to shave a lawn.
    to scrape, graze, or come very near to
    The car just shaved the garage door.
    Commerce . to purchase (a note) at a rate of discount greater than is legal or customary.
    to reduce or deduct from
    The store shaved the price of winter suits in the spring.


    the act, process, or an instance of shaving or being shaved.
    a thin slice; shaving.
    any of various tools for shaving, scraping, removing thin slices, etc.

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