• Build in

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to construct (esp. something complex) by assembling and joining parts or materials
    to build a house.
    to establish, increase, or strengthen (often fol. by up )
    to build a business; to build up one's hopes.
    to mold, form, or create
    to build boys into men.
    to base; found
    a relationship built on trust.
    Games .
    to make (words) from letters.
    to assemble (cards) according to number, suit, etc., as in melding.

    Verb (used without object)

    to engage in the art, practice, or business of building.
    to form or construct a plan, system of thought, etc. (usually fol. by on or upon )
    He built on the philosophies of the past.
    to increase or develop toward a maximum, as of intensity, tempo, or magnitude (often fol. by up )
    The drama builds steadily toward a climax.


    the physical structure, esp. of a person; physique; figure
    He had a strong build.
    the manner or form of construction
    The house was of modern build.
    Masonry .
    a vertical joint.
    the vertical dimension of a stone laid on its bed. ?

    Verb phrases

    build in or into, to build or incorporate as part of something else
    to build in bookcases between the windows; an allowance for travel expenses built into the budget.
    build up,
    to develop or increase
    to build up a bank account.
    to strengthen.
    to prepare in stages.
    to fill in with houses; develop into an urban area.
    to praise or flatter.



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