• Steadily

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    firmly placed or fixed; stable in position or equilibrium
    a steady ladder.
    even or regular in movement
    the steady swing of the pendulum.
    free from change, variation, or interruption; uniform; continuous
    a steady diet of meat and potatoes; a steady wind.
    constant, regular, or habitual
    a steady job.
    free from excitement or agitation; calm
    steady nerves.
    firm; unfaltering
    a steady gaze; a steady hand.
    steadfast or unwavering; resolute
    a steady purpose.
    settled, staid, or sober, as a person, habits, etc.
    Nautical . (of a vessel) keeping nearly upright, as in a heavy sea.


    (used to urge someone to calm down or be under control.)
    Nautical . (a helm order to keep a vessel steady on its present heading.)


    Informal . a person of the opposite sex whom one dates exclusively; sweetheart; boyfriend or girlfriend.
    Informal . a steady visitor, customer, or the like; habitué.

    Verb (used with object)

    to make or keep steady, as in position, movement, action, character, etc.
    His calm confidence steadied the nervous passengers.

    Verb (used without object)

    to become steady.


    in a firm or steady manner
    Hold the ladder steady.
    Informal . steadily, regularly, or continuously
    Is she working steady now?


    go steady
    Informal . to date one person exclusively
    Her father didn't approve of her going steady at such an early age.

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