Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Noun, plural cities.
(in the U.S.) an incorporated municipality, usually governed by a mayor and a board of aldermen or councilmen.
(in Great Britain) a borough, usually the seat of a bishop, upon which the dignity of the title has been conferred by the crown.
- burghal , citified , civic , civil , interurban , intraurban , megalopolitan , municipal , urbannotes:city first was used for any settlement regardless of size; the modern distinction between town and city developed during the 14th century , metropolitan , urban , cosmopolitan
- apple * , boom town , borough , burg , capital , center , conurbation , downtown , megalopolis , metropolis , metropolitan area , municipality , place , polis , port , urban place , urbsnotes:city first was used for any settlement regardless of size; the modern distinction between town and city developed during the 14th century , ghetto , mall , municipality.--a. municipal , precinct , urban , ward
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