Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Physiology . a change in organs, tissues, or cells leading to performance of a function, as in muscular contraction.
Theater .
- an event or series of events that form part of a dramatic plot
- the action of a scene.
- one of the three unities. Compare unity ( def. 8 ) .
Fine Arts . the appearance of animation, movement, or emotion given to figures by their attitude, position, or expression.
in action
- performing or taking part in a characteristic act
- The school baseball team is in action tonight.
- working; functioning
- His rescuing the child was bravery in action.
- activity , agility , alacrity , alertness , animation , bag * , ballgame , big idea , bit * , business , bustle , commotion , dash , deal , energy , enterprise , flurry , force , functioning , game , going , happening , haste , hoopla * , hopper , industry , in the works , life , liveliness , motion , movement , occupation , operation , plan , power , process , proposition , racket * , reaction , response , rush , scene , spirit , stir , stunt , trip , turmoil , vigor , vim , vitality , vivacity , accomplishment , achievement , act , blow , commission , dealings , doing , effort , execution , exercise , exertion , exploit , feat , handiwork , maneuver , manipulation , move , performance , procedure , step , stroke , thrust , transaction , undertaking , case , cause , claim , lawsuit , litigation , proceeding , prosecution , suit , battle , combat , conflict , contest , encounter , engagement , fight , fighting , fray , skirmish , warfare , deed , thing , work , comportment , conduct , deportment , way , instance , (law) lawsuit , advancement , adventure , affair , agency , alarums and excursions , arena , behavior , charade , coup , deeds , discipline , excitement , function , hyperkinesia , incentive , inducement , initiative , labor , means , mechanics , motivation , pl. conduct , play , plot , practice , production , replevin , sprightliness , stadium , stage , stimulus , tempest , vortex
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