Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb phrases
see about,
- to investigate; inquire about.
- to turn one's attention to; take care of
- He said he would see about getting the license plates.
- beam , be apprised of , behold , catch a glimpse of , catch sight of , clock * , contemplate , descry , detect , discern , distinguish , espy , examine , eye , flash , gape , gawk , gaze , get a load of , glare , glimpse , heed , identify , inspect , lay eyes on , look , look at , make out , mark , mind , note , notice , observe , pay attention to , peek , peep , peer , peg * , penetrate , pierce , recognize , regard , remark , scan , scope , scrutinize , sight , spot , spy , stare , survey , take notice , view , watch , witness , appraise , ascertain , catch , catch on , conceive , determine , discover , envisage , envision , experience , fancy , fathom , feature , feel , find out , follow , get , get the drift , get the hang of , grasp , have , hear , imagine , investigate , know , learn , perceive , ponder , realize , study , suffer , sustain , take in , think , tumble , undergo , understand , unearth , visualize , weigh , associate with , attend , bear company , call , come by , come over , conduct , consort with , date , direct , drop by , drop in , encounter , escort , go out with , go with , keep company with , lead , look up , meet , pilot , pop in , receive , route , run into , shepherd , show , speak to , steer , stop by , stop in , take out , usher , visit , walk , anticipate , divine , foresee , foretell , picture , vision , fantasize , image , accept , apprehend , compass , comprehend , read , sense , take , account , consider , deem , esteem , reckon , foreknow , go through , taste , go out , look in , run in , stop , accompany , interview , look after
phrasal verb
- attend , care for , look after , mind , minister to , watch
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